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The Index Standard® sharpens your focus on what matters.


About The Index Standard®

In today's market, over $15 trillion has been invested in more than three million indices. With increasing product complexity and growing pressure to meet compliance and fiduciary standards, how do investment professionals select the best products for their clients? What gives clients the confidence that their best interest is being represented? The Index Standard® provides unbiased index ratings and forecasts that broaden your understanding of indices, supporting investment decisions with precise facts and relevance to individual goals.


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Recent Guides

What Is An Index: A Brief Guide

We explain the key mechanics of an index, including the rules, selection criteria, weighting, rebalancing, as well as backtesting and fees.

What Differences Do Weighting Schemes Really Make?

In short, a lot!

What Are Factor Indices?

In this guide, we will explain what is factor indexing and introduce the most common factors found in indices.